| | | | Error returned by the <GEM-DEV.pcscloud.net:4900> server:
Unable to access the file.
The description of <www_article> stored in the analysis is not compatible with the one of <D:\HyperFileSQLData\BDD\mars\www_article>.
The <POUR_RECHERCHE> full-text index of the <www_article> file described in the analysis does not exist. |
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| | WL call:
Process of 'Initialisation de GEMINDUSTRY', line 26
'HCreationIfNotFound' function, syntax 2
What happened?
Error returned by the <GEM-DEV.pcscloud.net:4900> server:
Unable to access the file.
The description of <www_article> stored in the analysis is not compatible with the one of <D:\HyperFileSQLData\BDD\mars\www_article>.
The <POUR_RECHERCHE> full-text index of the <www_article> file described in the analysis does not exist.
Error code: 70016
Level: fatal error
WD55 error code: 16
Module: WDHFSRV64.DLL (01F280095g - 28.0.322.4)
Debugging information:
Fonction (7,28)
Additional information:
EIT_IDCODE : <196608>
EIT_PATHFIC : <D:\HyperFileSQLData\BDD\mars\www_article>
Initialisation de GEMINDUSTRY (), line 26
EIT_DATEHEURE : 26/12/2024 21:00:36
(25, ERR_MSG_BOX) |
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